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Swimming pool water quality testing

Swimming pool water quality testing

Testing items

(1) Free residual chlorine

Swimming pool water needs to maintain a certain amount of residual chlorine to ensure disinfection effectiveness. But if it is too high, it can also cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes, and in severe cases, it can also lead to skin diseases, keratitis, and so on.

(2) PH value

The pH value is an indicator of the acidity and alkalinity of swimming pool water. Water with a pH that meets the standard requirements will not cause irritation to human skin and eyes, and can reflect the disinfection effect.

(3) Total bacterial count

Excessive bacterial count can easily cause red eye disease, epidemic conjunctivitis, otitis media, etc.

(4) Number of Escherichia coli

The coliform community is directly or indirectly derived from the feces of humans and warm blooded animals, and its presence indicates the possibility of pathogenic bacteria in water, which may cause diarrhea.

(5) Urea

Both human sweat and urine contain urea, and if you go into the water without washing it thoroughly, there may be a lot of sweat flowing into the pool, and it is not ruled out that children may urinate in the pool. If urea exceeds the standard, it indicates that the swimming pool has not been replenished with new water in a timely and sufficient manner.

(6) Turbidity

Simply put, the water is not clear. Because the human body generally contains organic substances such as oils, proteins, and various skincare cosmetics, these substances are easily soluble in water and will not be filtered out. Over time, they can cause pool water to become polluted, produce odors, and affect disinfection effectiveness.

According to the Regulations on the Management of Public Place Hygiene, the Hygiene Standards for Swimming Places GB9667-1996, the Hygiene Standards for Swimming Places jointly issued by the Ministry of Health and the General Administration of Sport of China, and the Water Quality Standards for Swimming Pools CJ244-2007 issued by the Ministry of Construction.

The Regulations on the Administration of Public Place Hygiene mainly require various types of public places from the perspective of commonality in public places, and do not specifically require swimming pools. The Hygiene Standards for Swimming Places mainly provide unified regulations on hygiene management and hygiene operation procedures. The "Hygiene Standards for Swimming Places" GB9667-1996 and the "Water Quality Standards for Swimming Pools" CJ244-2007 mainly focus on water quality and hygiene requirements.
