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How to detect drinking water

How to detect drinking water

Water quality testing of water sources

The quality of water sources is the source that affects the quality of water use. In the production process of water plants, it is necessary to closely monitor changes in water quality, timely and accurately grasp the characteristics of water source water quality, and facilitate timely adjustment and smooth operation of subsequent treatment. Most groundwater needs to be treated appropriately, even after special treatment, to meet drinking or industrial water standards. The reasons are as follows: firstly, minerals in the formation dissolve during the formation process, causing the dissolution of certain elements in the water to exceed the allowable concentration; The second is that human activities cause groundwater pollution, resulting in excessive levels of iron and manganese. Iron and manganese are essential trace elements for the human body. Water quality contains an appropriate amount of iron and manganese, which are beneficial and harmless to the human body; However, long-term excessive intake of iron and manganese in the human body can cause chronic poisoning and trigger certain diseases.

Water quality inspection of water supply network

Strict quality control must be implemented at every stage of drinking water production, and then transported to the water supply network. However, this does not mean that the drinking water provided to users can ensure full compliance with drinking water hygiene standards, as drinking water, as a special commodity, has its own characteristics. After the production of drinking water, users transport it through countless water supply pipelines. In the continuous and uninterrupted transportation of drinking water, there are many factors that affect the quality of secondary pollution, such as pipeline leakage repair, pipeline quality issues, the impact of secondary water supply facilities, and pollution directly caused by illegal water use by users.

In short, to determine the quality of drinking water, the final measure should not only be based on the test data at the factory, but also on the sampling and analysis of the water quality in the pipeline network and at the end of the pipeline network. The hygiene standard for drinking water clearly stipulates that a certain number of sampling points should be selected in all sampling points, including water sources, factory water, places where water quality is prone to pollution, the end of the pipeline network, and old parts of the pipeline system. The selection of sampling points is based on the calculation of the water supply population and the distribution of the municipal pipeline network, and appropriate adjustments are made according to the actual situation. According to the Technical Regulations for Operation, Maintenance, and Safety of Urban Water Supply Plants, the pipeline network is sampled, analyzed, and tested once a week, and monitored at least once a month to ensure the quality of drinking water. Water quality testing is an important link in the quality management of drinking water products, which is related to the health of drinking water for thousands of households.
