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India's cotton exports to fall to 18-year low in 2022/23

India's cotton exports to fall to 18-year low in 2022/23

India's cotton exports to fall to 18-year low in 2022/23


Currently, India is one of the largest cotton producers in the world. However, India's cotton exports in 2022/23 are expected to drop to the lowest level since 2018, according to data from the Indian Cotton Textile Exporters Association (Texprocil).

This is mainly due to the reduction in cotton planting area in India and the decline in production due to factors such as climate change. In addition, the new crown epidemic has also affected India's cotton exports to a certain extent.

It is worth noting that the Indian government has been taking measures to encourage farmers to increase cotton acreage in order to increase production and export volume. However, in the short term, Indian cotton exports may be subject to certain restrictions.
