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Gas detector detection principle

Gas detector detection principle

(1) Gas detector detects inorganic chemicals: Chemicals have a great impact on microorganisms, which is related to the cations, organic suspended solids, and clay contained in water. Heavy metal ions are highly toxic to organisms, but certain trace heavy metals can promote microbial activity. The higher the atomic number of a metal, the greater the toxicity of its ions, and the magnitude of toxicity varies with the combination of the containing ions and cations. Toxic gas detection devices can be used to detect and read toxic gases in the air in real-time, providing a data for intuitive detection of their concentration.

When water contains more than one halogen or heavy metal ion, its biological toxicity may undergo synergistic or antagonistic effects, that is, its mixed toxicity may be greater than the sum of its toxicity when it exists alone, or may be smaller than the sum of its toxicity when it exists alone.

(2) Gas detectors detect organic compounds: Many organic compounds are harmful to microbial activity.

Quaternary ammonium, cyanide, phenols, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, and organic acids can all affect microbial activity, and their impact is related to their own concentration, pH value, alkalinity, and the type of small particles. Except for ketones, the more complex a compound is, the greater its biological toxicity. Organic gas detection instruments can be used for monitoring organic gases.

Organic chlorine can release chloramines (such as NH2Cl, NHCl2, and Ncl3), with chloramine concentrations exceeding 3mg/l. When the pH is between 6.0-8.0, it will inhibit microbial activity.

The toxicity of phenols is related to pH value and temperature, with high temperature and low pH having greater variability. When the concentration of phenol exceeds 100mg/L, it has an inhibitory effect on microbial activity; When it exceeds 500mg/L, it has a long-term inhibitory effect on microbial activity.

Many derivatives and compounds of polyphenols have toxic effects on microorganisms. The microbial activity delay concentration of cresol is 50mg/l, and the microbial activity delay concentration of sodium ethylmercuric thiosalicylate is 100mg/l. Benzoic acid, salicylic acid, toluene, xylene, halogenated phenols, substituted phenols, basic phenols, benzene sulfonates, and aromatic alcohols all have toxic effects on microorganisms when their concentrations are high.
