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What effects will fertilization have on the soil

What effects will fertilization have on the soil

Fertilizer is the food for crops, and soil is the foundation of crop production. Both are indispensable. So what is the relationship between fertilization and soil? What effects will long-term fertilization have on the soil? Next, let's take a look together:

What beneficial effects will fertilization bring to the soil?

1. Long term fertilization can not only fertilize the field, but also regulate soil temperature;

2. Long term application of organic fertilizers can activate soil nutrients and increase soil nutrient content;

3. Long term fertilization can enhance the soil's fertilizer and water retention capacity and buffering performance, promoting the formation of soil aggregates.

What are the hazards of long-term fertilization on soil?

1. Long term fertilization can lead to an increase in heavy metals and toxic elements in the soil, directly endangering human health;

2. Long term application of chemical fertilizers can cause soil nutrient imbalance, exacerbating the depletion of soil P and K;

3. Acidification intensifies, with significant changes in pH. Long term application of chemical fertilizers accelerates soil acidification;

4. Long term fertilization damages the physical structure of soil and causes soil compaction.
